DRASS at Salon de la Plongée Sous-Marine
31 March 2022

DRASS is pleased to share some pictures from the recent Salon de la Plongée Sous-Marine - International Scuba Diving Exhibition held in Paris. We want to thank all our visitors once again for stopping by for a chat. Deep-sea diver Chris Lemons at Drass stand, checks out state-of-the-art DRASS D-ONE...

DRASS at EDEX Exhibition 2021
17 December 2021

DRASS is glad to share some pictures from the recent EDEX Exhibition held in Egypt. We want to thank all of our visitors once again for taking the time to stop by for a chat.

DRASS BIBS Mask at Expo Dubai 2020
30 November 2021

DRASS BIBS Compact Mask, an innovative breathing apparatus for the hyperbaric environment, is on display in the Italy Pavilion at Expo2020 Dubai. It was shortlisted and selected by the Association of Industrial Design and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. A nationwide competition identified the best in Italian technology and...

DRASS at Livorno townhall
25 November 2021

DRASS had the pleasure of being hosted by the Mayor of Livorno, Mr. Luca Salvetti, at Livorno townhall. During the visit, DRASS personnel presented the D-ONE Diving Helmet that was selected at national level to showcase the best of Italian technological innovation and design at the G20 Summit in Rome....

Indonesian Navy in DRASS
1 October 2021

DRASS had the honor of receiving the delegation from the Indonesian Navy. During this visit the commission were especially interested to tour the historical gallery of DRASS’ world-first innovations spanning a century, followed by a tour of the various production facilities for a glimpse of our latest projects and cutting-edge...

Visita della Dottoressa Riccardi, Direttore del V Reparto Innovazione Tecnologica del Segretariato Generale della Difesa e Direzione Nazionale degli Armamenti
15 July 2021

DRASS ringrazia per la gradita visita della Dottoressa Riccardi, Direttore del V Reparto Innovazione Tecnologica del Segretariato Generale della Difesa e Direzione Nazionale degli Armamenti, svoltasi nell’ambito dell’ attività di missione finalizzata alla firma dell’accordo con il NATO Science and Technology Organisation - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (STO-...

DRASS at ADI Design Index 2020-2021
30 June 2021

DRASS was thoroughly honoured to be selected to be a part of the ADI Design Index 2020-2021, the annual exhibition that has championed the best of Italian design since 1956. Each year ADI (Association for Industrial Design) identifies the best Italian design in production, selected by the ADI Permanent Design...

Admiral Biaggi – Naval Academy Commander
30 June 2021

DRASS was very pleased to welcome Admiral Flavio Biaggi, Commander of Italy’s Naval Academy located in Livorno. The visit that included a tour of Production facilities was yet another opportunity to introduce DRASS state-of-the-art technologies that are at the heart of navy projects. DRASS Group thanks Admiral Biaggi for his...

Defence Commission
30 June 2021

DRASS had the honour of receiving a delegation from the Defence Commission of the Italian Chamber of Deputies: MoP. Gianluca Rizzo, President of the IV Defense Commission, MoP. Luca Frusone, President of the Italian Delegation of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and MoP. Angelo Tofalo, Deputy of the Republic and former...

Commander Vitagliano – Branch Head of ISMERLO
30 June 2021

DRASS welcomed Commander Gennaro Vitagliano, Branch Head of the International Submarine Escape and Rescue Liaison Office "ISMERLO" organization established by NATO to coordinate international submarine search and rescue operations. DRASS Engineers had the unique and invaluable opportunity to engage with the master of SMER (Submarine Escape & Rescue) doctrine at...